Not What it Used to Be
I had growl years ago in order to be notified when a download was finished. Forgot all about it. Came back to it bc I still need the notifications, and $4 seemed worth it. Turns out it doesn’t work with Safari. Supposed to work with Firefox and Thunderbird. Ok, I’ve been meaning to make a switch for a while now. Seems like a good time. Make the switch. Mind you, by this time, I’ve been trying to get a very simple app to work, and IT IS NOT WORKING. Ok, switch made. JUST KIDDING - isn’t supported with the current Firefox or Thunderbird. So, I’m SOL? Upon further investigation, the seeming myriad of apps that Growl is supposed to work with are … obscure … to say the least. Basically, it’s useless. Because IT DOESN’T WORK WITH ANYTHING WE NEED AND USE EVERYDAY.
I Can Kill You With My Brain about
Growl, v2.1.3