Misrepresented The Truth
You are leading app buyers to believe that MAC is supporting this app. The truth is Apple is no longer supporting Growl because it has its own Notification system. Apple does not allow its basic apps in Growl, the calendar, mail, reminders, messages, Day-one, Evernote on and on. It is forcing MAC owners to use their Notification System which is a pain because its portal is right by the search system. I dont like being caught in a turf war. I dont like companies controlling me. I paid cold hard cash. Apple set it up so my choices are limited. This exactly what Microsoft started to do. I was so happy when my son broke me of that dependency but the time I left they were really throwing their weight around. I purchased a stand alone scanner, $800, had it for two months and couldnt use it on MAC. I gave the scanner away along with two dell computers. I pay good money for choices. Please Apple dont get that way or is that a natural outgrowth of unfettered power. Remember Miracle on 34th Street, Macy started helping the customers by referring them to other stores. That was a smooth move but respect here is not given on superior products --just market share. Shame on your Growl about not being honest with me about the limitations. I think I would have still purchase the expensive and limited app because one day Apple is either going to buy you out or make peace. Apple dont stifle competition dont repeat history. BJ Little
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